Friday, July 25, 2008

Are We Nuts?

Article Summary:

At one point in the process to create a 2009 School Aid Budget, the Michigan House voted 61-48 to spend $32.2 million more than the latest estimate of available funding. Five Republicans voted in favor, along with 56 Democrats.

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Never Enough

Article Summary:

While the Michigan Senate was deliberating over the cost of the 2009 budget for the Department of Community Health, Senate Democrats requested seven amendments that totaled more than $90.5 million worth of additional spending. Each was narrowly defeated, with five amendments receiving one Republican vote each. Two Republican senators voted in favor of least $36 million from this proposed extra spending.

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Children of the Corn

Article Summary:

Despite growing international condemnation of the government promotion of corn ethanol, on April 17 the Michigan Senate overwhelmingly ratified legislation to increase state-based incentives for converting crops — primarily corn — into automotive fuel. The vote took place at a time when the price of corn in the United States was hovering near its historical high, driving up the cost of groceries across the nation and around the world.

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Greenhouse Gas Accord Will Further Damage Michigan's Economy

Article Summary:

Michigan’s future energy policy is far too important to leave to the behind-closed-doors manipulation of government officials. A cap-and-trade system to reduce greenhouse gases could be devastating to Michigan’s economy and have no discernible impact on global climate change. The Michigan Legislature needs to intervene to ensure that transparency and the interests of Michigan residents are paramount in the further workings of the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Accord states.

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People Must Demand Honesty and Integrity in Their Leaders

Article Summary:

It will not suffice for any one bad figure to depart the scene if we don’t raise the standards of character we demand of all our leaders and those who aspire to lead. Character matters. It’s time we settle for nothing less.

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Oscar-Winning Taxes

Article Summary:

An estimated $600 million of the $1.4 billion tax increase imposed on Michigan last fall will come from a 22 percent surcharge lawmakers added to the Michigan Business Tax, the state’s primary income levy on companies doing business within the state. The end result, according the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, has been to create a Michigan Business Tax that is much more complicated, costly and destructive to economic growth than even the notorious Single Business Tax that it replaced.

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Student Housing Bubble

Article Summary:

Undergraduate students at the University of Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus will see their housing costs jump 4.9 percent this school year because of a hike in residence hall room rates. According to the campus newspaper, housing at the university is already more expensive than nine of the Big Ten institutions, with just Northwestern University charging more. Meanwhile, residential housing values near the campus and around the state continue to fall.

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